Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Stop Showing Stupid Kids at Sporting Events

I was watching the Pistons/Knicks game on my friend's league pass last night. After coming back from a commercial break, the television crew decided it would be nice to show two "adorable" kids watching the game. This was done as an attempt to lure the fans of the NBA to come to the game with their families.

Seriously, what moron would buy NBA tickets simply from this image?

Oh but it's necessary for the organization to distribute their tickets!

I don't see the NFL resorting to subjugating kids to propagate a marketing campaign during their respective games. That's the problem with the NBA and also MLB
. They expect to create some sort of family image by showing random young kids dancing at the stadium in attempt to lure fans to the game. The NFL prescribes to the theory that the games are so damn important so you better watch it unless you're retarded. The NBA and MLB try to infiltrate those from the "Full House" school of values, which sickens me. A huge proportion of their fans are thinking, "If family values are so important to me, why am I watching the game?"

"Enjoy the game", says New York Knicks center Eddy Curry.
"If your children keep annoying you, I'll gladly eat them."

The NBA and MLB should not be marketing as a great family activity. In the case of the NBA, families can certainly find a way to create family time at less than $90 per
person. This may include, where additional charges may apply, giving your whiny kids some ice cream or cotton candy, and then giving a foam finger or hat that will be buried in their closet forever. If you get a cheaper ticket, you become a bad parent. In years to come, your kids will enter therapy and blame their depression and lack of motivation for not getting better seats.

If the only way you relate to your kid is by taking him to sporting events, you have problems. Instead of taking him to the game and giving him hot dog after hot dog, teachi
ng him a life of obesity and laziness, maybe you can take him to, I don't know, OUTSIDE and teach him how to play that specific sport.

Stop making your kid a fat ass!

Fans should come to the games to enjoy them, it shouldn't be some poor excuse to bring your family to make up for lost time. If your family wants to come along on their own, that's fine but the NBA should not deem fans as bad parents for not bringing their kids who simply may be spoiled brats.

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