Tuesday, July 26, 2011

If You Haven't Had Enough Caffeine

It keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger...

The new Starbucks trenta coffee has been unleashed. It's 31 ounce size serving is bigger than the average stomach. And if you were already getting a venti coffee, it only costs an additional 50 cents to supersize it a bigger portion.

I already know one person who has had two servings in one day. For you math majors out there, that calculates to a grand total 62 ounces of coffee. An average person is supposed to consume 64 ounces of water a day. And theoretically, you are supposed to drink twice as much water to stream the coffee out of your body. So that's a grand total of 188 ounces of water that my friend should consume to remain hydrated.

Will this lead to success for Starbucks? I guess people may try out the new size portions, especially those who cannot phantom rising from their beds without the aroma of coffee. It could also make for some rapid conversations to follow at your local coffee shop.

1 comment:

Alpha-X said...

That's super interesting. I've noticed over time that people are consuming less and less water and more and more of what they shouldn't be consuming (including myself). I see more people drinking vitamin water and gatorade than water or juice. It's an interesting and unhealthy phenomenon.